Founder Message


Message From Founder

Human-centered design and development are the manifestations of human dignity. It is the exploration of the full potential existing in any nation, province, organization, system or department which is most of the time overlooked. Capitalizing on dreams, aspirations and emotions, bringing them into the organizational strategies, valuing lives, creating meaningful work, acting responsibly in the world and adapting a systemic approach in the organization can bring transformation for optimal use of natural resources which will eliminate waste and loss leading to a sustainable growth, which the world is aiming at.

Sustainable Outreach and Universal Leadership Limited (SOUL) is established to bring humanocracy into the space as an enabler grounded with human emotions, values and ethics. Its motto is to appreciate the challenging and risk-taking capabilities to create and co-create for generating the deliverables and accelerating growth to support humanity. We bring the technologies and systems for increasing efficiency, recognizing novelties, respecting diversities, continuous improvement and helping in enhancing capabilities and potentials by maintaining the agility in the system to adapt to the need of the time.

We work in the areas of environment, Economy, Education, Healthcare, Social Development, Energy, Tourism, Business, Human Resource Development, Financial Management, Information Technology, Automation, Robotics, etc. It is continuously building Innovative and Futuristic solutions and creating opportunities for institutions and people to get engaged and grow with confidence.

While organizations are being challenged by both social and digital disruptions, it is unable to reap the financial rewards to match the economic and technological influences. We build solutions for humanizing organizations by minimizing the barriers of learning, growth and relationships. The domains we work which are diverse but unified, which is sustainable and supports social evolution.

We believe in “Human Power” ……………………